What were the main causes we learned this past week?

I feel like I've learned a lot of new things throughout this week! I learned things from how to be confident in my writing and open all the way to how to make a video. Before i started taking English 12A I was never confident with what I wrote about, I was always insecure and concerned as to what people would think about my writing. When we started to create our own "This I believe Essay" and put it into a video for the class to see was when I realized that everyone has something to share regardless of what it was about and that I shouldn't be embarrass with what I had to say. Up until this week I had never in my life made any sort of video but learning how to use wevideo made me understand how to make one. 

Andy Schoenborn
10/28/2013 12:14:52 pm

Hi Anissa,

This is an excellent post, because you are focused on your learning and it is paying off.


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