Why would the president take on the initiative to change any law that the congress may have passed even though he had so much help? Did he think that he could make it any better? My thought on this is that when you have so much help and so many people around to help you make the right decisions then why would you even question that they may be wrong or try to change what they feel is right? More people than ever try to be too independent with their decision making and don't even consider what others may be thinking. 

People would like to believe that the government is going to be fair to everyone and make their lives easier in the long run, but is the government really doing it to make our lives easier or theirs? While reading the "slip of the pen" by Walter Dellinger the American Bar Association was tearing down the government and how they create a signing statement. The ABA is stating that a lot of presidential signing statements are unconstitutional. 


Andy Schoenborn
11/16/2013 12:45:43 am

Hi Anissa,

The post does a nice job of summarizing the texts and I'd like to see your connections to the BQ.


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